Wrath of the Lich King Opening Cinematic

This is my take on the opening cinematic for World of Warcraft’s second expansion: Wrath of the Lich King. My favorite part of this was editing and mixing the voice over; a realm that is very new to me. I got my partner to record his deep voice for the part of Terenas Menethil II, Arthas’ father, whom you hear speaking in the opening. I dropped his voice by one semitone and added 2:1 compression, followed by reverb using the Altiverb plug-in. I used two separate 7 band EQ’s, one for color and one for ducking out frequencies that were consistently boomy or shrill to the ear. The human voice has a ton of nuance that is taken for granted due to the nature of our ears ability to naturally compress and EQ what we hear before the brain processes it. A microphone does not have that luxury and as a result, we get a very “raw” like quality to the voice that will sound extremely cacophonous at times. That’s why we have our guardian angels: the dialogue mixers.

Check this out! This was a fun one to make, and I learned a great deal along the way.